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ACCESS has four Employment Assistance Service offices located across Metro Vancouver, each strategically located to ensure accessibility for our urban Aboriginal clients. Locations include Vancouver‚ ACE Downtown East Side, East Vancouver, and Surrey‚ and all regions that have large Aboriginal populations. ACCESS Employment Assistance Service Offices include:

ACCESS Employment Centre
Aboriginal Connections to Employment
UNYA Native Youth Learning Centre
Aboriginal Training & Employment Cooperative (ATEC)

Employment Assistance Service sites are typically the first point of contact between ACCESS and our urban Aboriginal clients. Services include:

Resources for job search:

  • Telephones
  • Computers
  • Photocopiers
  • Fax Machines
  • Job Postings
  • Resource Information
  • Employment Counselling and Career Planning
  • Resource Information
  • Recruitment and Referral
  • Funding for Skills Training and Work Gear

ACCESS is a co-operative venture of the off-reserve Aboriginal community of Metro Vancouver, conceived by Native Education Centre (now known as Native Education College), Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, and United Native Nations. In 1999, these organizations entered into a five year Aboriginal Human Resource Development Agreement (AHRDA) with Human Resources Development Canada. This urban AHRDA Agreement provided the means and framework for the creation and implementation of labour market development initiatives customized to the needs of urban Aboriginal people in Metro Vancouver. The Agreement launched a new era placing urban Aboriginal people in control of the design and management of their education and employment requirements and objectives. Out of this agreement, ACCESS evolved into a duly incorporated BC non-profit society in January 2002.

ACCESS opened its first office at the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, which today remains as the main Employment Assistance Service office. ACCESS has since expanded throughout Metro Vancouver to include more points of service and more diverse programs for the urban Aboriginal community.


ACCESS partners with other Aboriginal community service organizations throughout Metro Vancouver to ensure that Employment Assistance Services are accessible to all urban Aboriginal clients throughout the region. Current partners include:

Urban Native Youth Association

Metis Nation BC

Sto lo Nation:
www. saset.ca


To Increase Aboriginal Participation in the Labour Market