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BladeRunners is an award winning employment program that is recognized nationally and internationally. It targets at-risk youth (15-30 years of age) and provides them with basic training designed to facilitate entry into the labour force. Companies from all sectors of industry throughout British Columbia provide employment opportunities for participants and the ultimate goal is for them to gain sufficient skills and experience that will translate into a long-term attachment to the labour force.

All BladeRunners participants receive certified health and safety training and learn life skills and job readiness skills that help them build self-esteem and confidence.Through workplace training and integration, the participants acquire marketable skills that enhance their long-term employment prospects. This development of long-term attachment to the work force is a unique component of the BladeRunners model, which when combined with the development of multi-sector partnerships between the youth, community, employers, trades unions, post-secondary institutions and various levels of government, ensures its overall success.


BladeRunners History

BladeRunners was created in 1994 during the construction of General Motors Place in Vancouver. It was founded with the purpose of matching construction industry needs with opportunities for inner city disadvantaged ‘street-involved’ youth. Because many of the at-risk youth taking part in the program at that time were experiencing problems outside of their work hours, a system of 24/7 support from BladeRunners coordinators was developed which led to the award winning BladeRunners model.


To Increase Aboriginal Participation in the Labour Market